The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the United Nations in 2015, outlines a joint plan for the future prosperity of humanity and the planet. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent the foundation of this plan, which represent a collective will and a call to action for all member states. From eradicating of poverty to improving education levels and reducing economic inequalities, the 17 SDGs consider climate change and emphasize protecting natural resources.
Understanding the importance of implementing these goals unequivocally, Veolia has committed to a global partnership to support efforts to reduce carbon footprint (decarbonization), reduce pollution, revitalize polluted areas, and protect and regenerate natural resources. Veolia’s 2024 Barometer clearly outlines that climate change is the greatest threat to future human society.
As the population continues to grow, the energy market becomes more volatile, and drought periods increase significantly, the sustainable development of the agricultural sector becomes not just a key aspect, but a crucial one. It is our collective responsibility to ensure the necessary resources for the population, and sustainable agriculture plays a pivotal role in this endeavor.
With solid experience in water and energy resource management, Veolia Romania Integrated Solutions (VRSI) is committed to provide scalable and adapted solutions for the irrigation sector in Romania. VRSI integrates water resource management solutions, regardless of the source—surface water, groundwater, or wastewater—with solutions for energy production and efficiency.
Food represents a basic need linked to the population's well-being and health and the country's economic development prospects. Therefore, the availability and quality of food should be at the heart of concern for the governmental, local, and financial agents involved in the agricultural and food sectors.
Romania has a high agricultural potential: 15 million hectares of agricultural land, of which 8.26 million hectares are cultivated. The efficiency of this sector is negatively affected by several structural factors, among which, very importantly, the lack or insufficiency of irrigation systems. The success stories of major agricultural producers like France, Spain, and Turkey are mainly due to efficient irrigation systems.

VRSI’s Strategy for accelerating the growth of irrigated areas at the regional level
VRSI's capacity and technical expertise are the starting points in defining regional and county-level strategies for increasing the area of irrigated agriculture, together with county and local authorities.
Veolia encourages associativity and supports the efforts of communities and farmers in this regard.
Sustainable growth of agricultural production at the county level depends on the degree of connection of farmlands to the irrigation infrastructure or the creation of new systems that properly utilize water resources.
Veolia provides to local and regional communities:
- Strategies for increasing irrigation infrastructure at the regional and county level;
- Feasibility studies and opportunity assessments for creating new irrigation systems, expanding existing infrastructure, or connecting to existing infrastructure;
- Modeling and water resource management for irrigation to ensure the long-term viability of the systems;
- Integration of ecological solutions for electricity production and energy efficiency in the development of irrigation systems;
- Build to lease services according to the good practice recommendations issued by the World Bank.

Services in support of local and regional communities
Irrigation infrastructure development strategies
Feasibility / opportunity studies
Modelling & water resources management
Services build to lease
Partnership with Farmers
VRSI represents a long-term partner for farmers in Romania by ensuring the entire flow of implementing irrigation projects, from concept and execution to operation, assuming and guaranteeing performance indicators.
- Identification of optimal water resources for irrigating agricultural lands. Hydrological and hydrogeological studies for the identification of the water resource will consider surface waters (rivers, lakes, and reservoirs), shallow groundwater, and urban wastewater suitable in terms of quality. Analyzing all options through modeling and simulation of exploitation under climate change conditions guarantees the long-term efficient use of water in irrigation systems;
- Design and execution of irrigation systems adapted to the water resource and types of crops;
- Implementation of energy production systems or energy efficiency enhancements for the systems so that energy costs are minimized;
- Identification of funding sources – non-refundable funds, bank loans;
- Preparation of projects and necessary documentation for accessing funds, and providing financial, technical, and management consulting;
- Management services for grants (non-refundable financing from European Union or government funds);
- Monitoring and operating irrigation systems and guaranteeing the achievement of performance indicators;
- Assistance and consulting about various institutions involved in irrigation projects (ANAR - National Administration "Romanian Waters," AFIR - Agency for Financing Rural Investments, ANCA - National Agricultural Consulting Agency, ANIF - National Agency for Land Improvements, OCPI - Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity Office, etc.).
Identification of water resources
Design & execution of irrigation systems
Energy efficiency
Grant access support (technical, management & financial advice)
Grants management support
Operation of irrigation systems at agreed performance indicators
Assistance in dealing with the public institutions involved
For more information on Veolia Group's global experience in the field of irrigation, you can access the following sources: